Shove these last Disney hotel shampoos into the suitcase...
... I mean, finish packing my suitcase. Check.
Promise not to open suitcase again causing all the stuff to spill all over the place. Check.
Promise to keep the above promise this time. Check.
Notice hoodie isn't packed. Curse. Accept it has to be shoved into carry on. Check.
Hope airport security doesn't open suitcase causing everyone on staff to have to sit on it to close it again. Check.
Go through closets and drawers for the 100th time to make sure nothing left behind. Check.
Swear I am leaving something behind despite all the room searches. Check.
Hope flight isn't like this:
Face the fact that it's time to go....
Promise not to open suitcase again causing all the stuff to spill all over the place. Check.
Promise to keep the above promise this time. Check.
Notice hoodie isn't packed. Curse. Accept it has to be shoved into carry on. Check.
Hope airport security doesn't open suitcase causing everyone on staff to have to sit on it to close it again. Check.
Go through closets and drawers for the 100th time to make sure nothing left behind. Check.
Swear I am leaving something behind despite all the room searches. Check.
Hope flight isn't like this:
Face the fact that it's time to go....
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