Goodbye, George
What we've dreaded for so long and had to face this week finally happened: our friend George Stott died yesterday from cancer. So many people said so many beautiful things and I'm sitting here struggling with what I'm feeling and thinking. From it feeling unreal to hitting me so hard that I wonder why I ever wished I could cry over it instead of being bottled up. In the end, I decided to say one thing:
Love you, George.
And to quote the words we sang to you on Monday:
I've been living to see you.
Dying to see you, but it shouldn't be like this.
This was unexpected,
What do I do now?
Could we start again please?
I've been very hopeful, so far.
Now for the first time, I think we're going wrong.
Hurry up and tell me,
This is just a dream.
Oh could we start again please?
Love you, George.
And to quote the words we sang to you on Monday:
Dying to see you, but it shouldn't be like this.
This was unexpected,
What do I do now?
Could we start again please?
I've been very hopeful, so far.
Now for the first time, I think we're going wrong.
Hurry up and tell me,
This is just a dream.
Oh could we start again please?
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